Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards logo.Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) is an intensive training program for youth. Talented young people attend a seminar, camp, or workshop, generally three to ten days in length, organized by Rotarians at the local club or district level. The RYLA program enables young people to debate issues of professional responsibility and human relations, improve leadership and communication skills, learn about businesses and institutions, and meet Rotarians while having fun and making friends.

Students attending the RYLA camp will be provided with all meals, snacks, lodging, seminar activities and materials, a ROPES course, entertainment, a dance and other activities/items. There is NO charge involved for Rotarians, spouses, or cabin chaperones. The counselors, who will work directly with the students, will come from the various universities within District 6110.